Margaret Rizzo serves as Treasurer to the New Jersey Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence, and is the New Jersey Board Delegate to the national organization, the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence.
Ms. Rizzo has been employed with JSAS HealthCare, Inc. (formerly Jersey Shore Addiction Services) in various positions since 1991, and currently serves as the agency’s Executive Director. She has served as Chairperson of the Monmouth County Office of Addiction Services’ Treatment Planning Committee and as a member of the Monmouth County Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services’ Professional Advisory Committee.
She has served on several committees formed by the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services to assist Opioid Treatment Programs in New Jersey to develop policies and procedures to meet CARF accreditation standards, and continues to assist clinics throughout New Jersey to navigate and comply with state licensure regulations, federal regulations and accreditation standards.